Waldorf Academy Blog

Waldorf Academy Blog Post Wheelhouse Web Waldorf Academy Blog Post Wheelhouse Web

Innovative Teaching Strategies: The Main Lesson

In most educational models the vehicle for teaching is contained within a class period, usually 40 minutes, and the focus is on one subject such as math, music, and science. Waldorf Academic, Roberto Trostli writes, “When Rudolf Steiner inaugurated the first Waldorf school, he established the “main lesson”— effectively, an ‘immersive’ in which the same subject would be the main focus during a two-hour morning class for 3 to 4 weeks. The rest of the day is filled with specialty classes such as French, math, English, art, civics, etc.

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Beyond rote learning of facts, children need to be taught well-being

“Instead of rote learning useless facts, children need to be taught well-being.”

– Alice O’Keefe in her opinion piece for The Guardian (March 2020)

And while we may dispute that there’s such a thing as “useless facts” (can there really be?), we do wholeheartedly agree that:

“To equip young people to face the challenges of the 21st century, they need to understand their minds and bodies.”

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Waldorf Academy Blog Post Wheelhouse Web Waldorf Academy Blog Post Wheelhouse Web

Spring Sewing Activity for your Kindergartener

There is always wisdom behind the progression of Waldorf pedagogy. Every subject is designed to reach a child where he or she is at that moment in their physical, emotional, and spiritual development. Our curriculum connects children to their place as humans in the greater scheme of the world. This is why Waldorf students spend so much time in nature, where classroom lessons take hold and gain context.

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