Waldorf Academy Alumni Reflections

When David Knight (Class of 2005) reflects on his time at Waldorf Academy, from grade 1 through grade 8, he remembers “the intimacy and the one-on-one time approach.” And, he remembers staying with the same class throughout the years.

“You learn together,” he says. “I’ve stayed connected with my teachers.”

Before the pandemic, David frequently dropped in to play basketball after school with other Waldorf Academy alumni. Current students and our German volunteers joined into the game, and David continued the feeling of camaraderie and community years after he graduated.

Aiyana Bradshaw (Class of of 2013)  reflects fondly on her years at Waldorf Academy. “It was a great experience,” she says. “I had a lot of classmates grade 1 to grade 8, and I really liked the hands-on approach.”

“Waldorf is really great in offering hands-on attention to help students learn and flourish and grow,” Aiyana says.

She also appreciates the community. “Because it is a small school, you know everyone in every grade,” she recalls. “Classes are capped at 2 per grade, you know a lot of the younger students, you look up to the older students, and there are group activities that help you know everyone.”

“Within my class, pretty much everyone was my friend,” she says. “The teachers really fostered a classroom of caring for each other, knowing each other on a personal level, especially because we grow up together. There was no bullying whatsoever. I can remember a few instances of teasing and the teachers would nip it in the bud and facilitate a group talk about it.”

Later, Aiyana also worked for the school during three summers as a student assistant in our summer day camp. “The day camp was structured similarly to a typical day in Waldorf kindergarten, and it was a very nurturing and fun environment,” she says. “Waldorf Academy is a great employer, and I learned many great skills that will be useful going forward in my career journey.”

Waldorf Academy graduates go on to reach great heights. David Knight attended Victoria Parks Collegiate Institute for high school, which has an IB program. Later, he attended University of Waterloo, where he studied economics and business, with a specialization in finance.

After she left Waldorf Academy, Aiyana Bradshaw went on to North Toronto Collegiate and then to Western University in London, where she is studying business. Aiyana hopes to build a career in marketing.

Aiyana had “no issues in high school.” She felt Waldorf Academy prepared her well to succeed.

“I have been equipped from Waldorf with everything I need,” she says. “I know how to learn best for my learning style; I know what is best for me. I learned adaptability in Waldorf and bring that into whatever future environment I go into. Ultimately, Waldorf Academy taught me how to learn.”


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