Windows into Waldorf Nov 22, 2024
Director’s Note
Key dates
30 Wishes Campaign
Administrative Announcements
Winter Fair
AWSNA Accreditation
The Grade 6 classroom, where I teach literature, has a window that overlooks the outdoor play yards. From that vantage I can observe the children playing and interacting. In the Childcare yard the children navigate the hay-bale maze, in place since the Garlic Festival event on September 29th. They navigate each corner as if the walls were five feet tall, oblivious to anything other than their own interactions rich with discovery.
In the Kindergarten playground the action is louder, quicker, more social. Amidst the activity there is still time for little hands to gather fallen leaves, marveling at their intricate shapes and colours. These simple treasures become the inspiration for art, stories, and imaginative play. In the side-yard, though I cannot see it from this window, the action is faster still as elementary students delve deeper, observe and act on the natural world. The hay-bales lasted but a day here, which is an extension of their science blocks and seasonal studies. They are learning not only about the earth’s processes but also how their feet can turn leaves into compost; their personal connection to the greater whole.
Observing the children during this time is a joy. I am pleased to work in a school where time outside is respected and protected, and understood to be valued learning. I always turn from the window, returning to the valuable “indoor” learning, and think, this is valuable, and it makes that time outside all the sweeter.
Wishing all in our community a wonderful weekend, and looking forward to seeing many of you at the AGM this coming Wednesday, November 27th.
Nov 25 - Grades 1-8 Spirit Day - Dress like a teacher!
Nov 25 - 8:45am - Parent Knitting Circle @ Creeds
Nov 27 - 6:30pm - Annual General Meeting - full community welcome
Nov 28 - 8:30am - Parent Song Circle - school gym
Dec 1 - 10am to 1pm - Winter Fair - get your tickets!
Dec 2 - NO SCHOOL for K-8 - Camp available (Childcare is open) Dec. 2nd - Waldorf Camp Day Registration Form
Dec 11 - 4pm - Festival for Parents (gems from each class)
Dec 13 - Grades 1-8 Spirit Day - Ugly sweater day!
Dec 20 - Last day of Term 1 Hot Lunch program. To sign up for Term 2, please visit WALDORF – The Lunch Mom
Dec 20 - Last day of Term 1, usual dismissal & aftercare
Jan 6 - NO SCHOOL for K-8 and Childcare (PD day at for entire school)
Jan 7 - First day of school for Childcare and K-8
Like a fairytale, just two wishes remain for our new Arts & Design space: the kiln and the retractable stage. The 30 Wishes Campaign deadline has been extended to November 29 to ensure that all our wishes are granted. If you haven’t had a chance to donate, you can do so by sending an e-transfer to
A kind reminder to contact Monica Darie or Michelle Priestap for any unexpected or last-minute requests to have your child stay late or attend the Aftercare program. This ensures that we can accommodate your needs promptly and maintain accurate records for the safety and supervision of all students.
Come join the parent-led co-creation of this year's Winter Fair magic!
Please sign-up for a volunteer shift, make treats for our bake sale, and reserve your wristbands now!
Please bring cash!
Please note we will be CASH ONLY on the day of the Winter Fair for Wristbands, Bake Sale, and the Vendors Market.
Where to get your tickets
Your advance purchase wristbands and Marionette Show tickets will be available for pickup from the school office on Nov 27, 28, and 29 between 8:30am-4pm. We strongly recommend picking up your wristbands in advance. Orders placed on Fri Nov 29, and any advance purchases not picked up on Fri Nov 29, will be waiting for you at the Admissions Tent on Sun Dec 1. Access tier wristbands that don't include lunch will be available for advance purchase until FRI NOV 29 at 4pm, and at the Admissions Tent (cash only) on Sun Dec 1 at 9am.
Marionette Show
This year our beloved kindergarten teachers will present Omusubi Kororin (The Rolling Rice Ball), a traditional Japanese folktale. Advance tickets are sold out, however there will be 15 Marionette Show tickets per show-time available at the Admissions Tent on the day of the Winter Fair, on a first come, first served basis.
Vendors Market
We’re thrilled to welcome back some favourite vendors like TONE Textiles, offering beautifully hand-crafted accessories and home goods; Citchen Candle Co., with their soy candles and natural reed diffusers; and Natalie Senst, who will be sharing her delightful herbal remedies, teas, and comforting hot chocolates.
Joining us for the first time are some fantastic new additions: Fresh and Tasty Mushrooms, specializing in unique mushrooms, farm-fresh eggs, apples, and other produce; Woolies, with adorable hand-knitted baby and toddler sweaters and cozy felted mittens; Meraki Farms, offering a stunning variety of yarns, roving, pelts, woolen wearables, and more; Botanical Collective, featuring handmade soaps, balms, and birthday candles.
Be sure to stop by the school’s vendor table, where you’ll find an array of wreaths, crafts, and worm compost bins (created by the talented Grade 4 & 5 classes). All proceeds from the school table go directly back to supporting our school programs.
Want to help but not sure where you're most needed? Please reach out to us at
With much warmth and excited anticipation,
The Winter Fair 2024 Committee
Charlotte Agnew, Alex Almeida, Rahul Bhardwaj, Rebekah Vineberg Blok, Joana Doce, Sarah Levine, Jesse Macht, Rachel Percy, and Layah Singer-Wilson
We are moving steadily forward in our mandate to renew our AWSNA Waldorf accreditation. We are guided by the direction we received from the accreditation team that visited our school last May. To keep our community up to date, we have attached a link to a summary of the priorities we are focusing on over the coming months. Please feel welcome to reach out if you have questions or contributions. Press the “Learn more” button to read more.