Windows into Waldorf Dec 20, 2024


  • Director’s Note

  • Key Dates

  • Holiday Kindness for Seniors

  • Community Council Message

  • Winter Spiral

  • Fireside Story & Wishes


‘Twas the Week Before Christmas – Waldorf Academy Edition

‘Twas the week before Christmas, and all through the halls,
Every teacher was stirring, not stopping at all.
The spiral was glowing, its path softly laid,
With candles and evergreens, lovingly made.

The students were asking, how long until Friday?
Time still for assignments, parties and play,
With warm woolen slippers and hearts full of care,
(They’d found them both at our Winter Faire).

The herb bundles hung by the door of Grade Three,
Crafted for purchase by you and by me.
Cards, handmade gifts, and herbal teas,
Each math transaction equalled community.

Business Fair treasures and happy delights,
The “Sixes” of Waldorf shone bright through the night.
The fire crackled, the story inspired,
A circle of warmth, a radiant choir.

Parents had managed, their hearts full of might,
To wrap up donations, it was a great sight.
Thirty gifts they gave out in support of the Arts,
Each one a true sign of largesse and big hearts.

As dawn kissed the earth (it’s solstice you know),
The gifts of the season were bringing a glow:
Of compassion, connection, the joy we impart,
These treasures of giving, the light from our heart.

So as you reflect on this holiday cheer,
Thank you for kindness throughout the whole year.
With gratitude endless, we offer our part,
Wishing peace and goodwill from the depth of our heart.

Happy Holidays,



  • Jan 6 - NO SCHOOL for K-8 and Childcare (PD day at for entire school)

  • Jan 7 - First day of school for Childcare and K-8

  • Jan 9 - 7pm - Community Council Meeting (all parents welcome)

  • Jan 13 - 7pm - Knitting Circle (at 250 Madison, Elm Room)

  • Jan 14 - 6pm - Info Night for SK families moving into Grade 1

  • Jan 19 - 11am-3pm - Community Skate Day @ Greenwood Park

  • Jan 28

    • 6-8pm - Grade 4-8 Parent Evening

    • 6:30-8pm - Stargarden & Sungarden Parent Evenings

  • Jan 30 - 6pm - Grade 1-3 Parent Evening

  • Feb 8 - 10am - Gr 1-8 “COMMUNITY” OPEN HOUSE - save the date!

  • Feb 13 & 14 - NO SCHOOL for K-8 (Camps Available) - PT Conferences

  • Feb 17 - NO SCHOOL or CHILDCARE (Family Day; No Camps)


Grade 8 student Jackson Breslin recently championed a card-writing initiative for seniors who may not have received anything from friends or family due to the postal strike.

Jackson started this holiday kindness for seniors a few weeks ago, and inspired his Grade 7-8 classmates to join in. Each card has a holiday message, as well as some details from the students about their favourite hobbies, plans for the winter break, etc.

These cards will be delivered by Jackson this weekend to a long term care home, with the hope that they bring some joy to the residents at a special time of year.

Thank you, Jackson and the Grade 7-8 class, for this thoughtful and caring initiative!


Sarah Levine sends a special thanks to everyone for the 12 huge bags of amazing clothing donated to New Circles for people in need, thanks to the school community’s generous donations!


Dear community,

We are overjoyed to share that our collective Winter Fair efforts raised $8,028! We have directed these funds to the 30-in-30 basement fundraising campaign. We were able to support the school to reach completion on the kiln, and the remainder is going towards the school's new stage!

Congratulations to everyone involved!

Thank you so much for showing up to co-create our 2024 Winter Fair in all the myriad hands-on and heart-full ways that you did: planning, baking, crafting, setting up, volunteering on the day of, and cleaning up afterwards. We are so thankful to be a part of a community that comes together to bring joy, wonder, and connection to life within the walls of our school.

With gratitude and wishes for a joyful holiday,

Layah Singer-Wilson & The Winter Fair 2024 Committee 
(Alex Almeida, Charlotte Agnew, Jesse Macht, Joana Doce, Rachel Percy, Rahul Bhardwaj, Rebekah Vineberg Blok, and Sarah Levine)


This week, students from Kindergarten to Grade 8, and all faculty, were invited to walk the Winter Spiral. 

This is an annual tradition at many Waldorf schools throughout the world: cedar boughs and garlands are caringly arranged to create a spiral pathway on the floor of a darkened room, circling inwards towards a candle or lantern. The spiral is embedded with items representing four of the realms of life on earth: mineral, plant, animal, and human. The swirling cedar is dotted with small lights illuminating the way to the centre, and back out again.  

At Waldorf Academy, the skylights of the Eurythmy Room have been darkened for the past two days, and Ms. Lennox’s daughter has been quietly playing the harp as each class takes its turn to walk the spiral, one person at a time. 

Walking a spiral, whether child or adult, creates a form of momentum, and changes one’s sense of balance as the swirls move inward. There is a moment where one must simply let go, and trust the arching path to find the destination. The dark, the flame, the magical music, the stillness of the others in the room are all transformative either explicitly or indirectly: an experience of quiet in our often frenetic lives, a chance to feel something reverential and infinite in the midst of the mundane.

The flame in the centre of the spiral represents a common source of light in each of us. As each person’s light is ignited, we witness the communal nature of the light we share. 


This afternoon, the Grade 1 through 8 students and faculty collected around a campfire in the side-yard to hear the tale of Zlateh the Goat, narrated from the heart by Mr. Buchbinder. There was laughter, incredulity, and relief as Zlateh’s imminent sale to the butcher was avoided by her ability to save her owner Aaron’s life when a sudden storm emerged from nowhere.

As we ourselves nestled together in the bitter cold as we listened to Mr. Buchbinder tell the tale, we experienced the same need for closeness and community as did Aaron.

The story ended with each student and teacher throwing their pinecone—in which new year’s wishes were interwoven—into the fire. May they all come true!

We wish you all a wonderful holiday, and look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. 


Windows into Waldorf Jan 10, 2025


Windows into Waldorf Dec 13, 2024